
气象学教授Alison Bridger说

This page provides specific weather event updates 和 general safety guidelines. 紧急, timely updates will be delivered to 菠菜网lol正规平台 email addresses.

有关最新天气资料,请浏览 国家气象局的详细预报 为上海州立大学校园周边地区.



Whether there is an alert from the National Weather Service or not, 初秋的天气会很暖和 在校园和整个圣何塞. 限制不必要的东西,注意自己的安全 time spent outdoors during daylight hours, staying in shaded areas, drinking plenty of water 和 taking frequent breaks in air-conditi一个d spaces.

预防热相关疾病 with tips from 菠菜网lol正规平台 Environmental Health 和 安全.

Check the National Weather Service's detailed area 为ecast.

Hot weather safety tips from the 中心 为 Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC).


  • 校内课程和活动 将继续 如期.
  • SRAC, 学生会健康中心 是开放的.
  • 体育赛事 在活动中心或南校区 将会发生 如期.
  • Employees 和 contractors are expected to report to their respective work locations, 如果是在校园里,那就安排轮班.
  • Please note that some departments or classes may choose to go remote during severe 天气(主要是:冬季强风暴期间). 部门,教师和主管/经理 must communicate with their employees, students 和 customers whether they will not 在学校或不能亲自去.


的 university always plans to have all offices 和 services operational 和 available to the fullest extent possible while maintaining a safe working environment. 不断恶化的 conditions in seasonal weather, most notably during the winter months, may affect 每个人进入校园的能力. 不能到学校的学生 class or work, should contact their faculty or supervisors. 教职员工面对 challenges in reporting to or per为ming work because of weather-related conditions in your area, should communicate directly with their supervisor or appropriate administrator.  

For employees whose supervisor is not available, or they are unsure of whom to contact, 电话:

Regional 资源 为 the Most Up-to-Date In为mation

Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Management (Alert SSC)









Here is a brief list of resources where you can get in为mation about road conditions 以及与天气相关的公共交通更新.


If you are on campus 和 experiencing issues related to internet 和 network access or storm damage, please contact IT 和 let your manager/supervisor/department leadership 或者教授知道.

Students, faculty 和 staff can also access internet connection through:

访问 the IT website or call the IT help desk at (408) 924-1530 寻求帮助 connecting 到菠菜网lol正规平台 VPN或eduroam.


你发现校园建筑漏水了吗? 校园里一棵倒下的树? 你的大楼 失去权力? Report weather-related instances of damage immediately 因此可以防止进一步的损害. 不要假设已经报告了一个问题. 

  • Call the Facilities Development 和 Operations customer service desk at (408) 924-1990 星期一至五上午八时至下午五时.



  • Injuries caused by downed power lines, trees, flooding, etc.


As a precaution, the National Weather Service offers this personal preparation list:

  • 更新您的联系方式 警报菠菜网lol正规平台 接收校园安全通知
  • 下载 斯巴达式的安全 移动应用程序,并保持通知
  • 保持额外的供给 of shelf-stable food that does not require refrigeration like canned or boxed food 和 bottled water, in case you have to stay home 和 cannot travel
  • 准备一个“应急包” 在紧急疏散情况下
    • Sample items: spare clothes; ph一个 charger; bottled water; spare pair of closed-toe shoes; packable jacket; non-perishable snacks; medications; identification documents.
  • 把重要文件放在一起
    • Keep physical copies in 一个 place or in a "go bag"
    • Store scanned copies of identification documents, leases, renters insurance, medical insurance, auto insurance, medical records 和 prescriptions in a digital drive or 存储平台(e).g.、Google Drive)
  • 为宠物的需要做计划 with extra food 和 keep important documents together 和 in case of evacuation
  • 为高温做好准备
    • Know the signs 和 symptoms of heat-related illnesses
    • Drink plenty of fluids, stay in air-conditi一个d spaces, stay out
      of the sun especially when the sun is at its highest in the sky typically between 11 a.m. 还有3p.m. 去看看亲戚和邻居.
    • Young children 和 pets should never be left unattended in vehicles 为 any amount of time. Cali为nia state law protects from liability those who take reasonable 和 necesary steps to remove a child or animal from a vehicle if the child or animal's safety is believed to be in danger from heat, cold or lack of adequate ventilation. 
    • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities 为 early morning or evening hours.
    • Wear lightweight 和 loose fitting clothing when possible. 
  • 为洪水做好准备
  • 为糟糕的空气质量做好准备
    • When there are fires in Cali为nia, the air quality around campus can sometimes pose 健康风险. 空气质素安全.
  • Signing up 为 your county’s emergency in为mation system.
  • Learn how to stay safe using state-provided 和 approved resources 和 guides available at Listos加州
  • Review 中心 为 Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC) 应急安全导则.
  • 红十字会 极热安全指南, 地震安全, 火灾安全, 防洪安全等等 其他突发事件.


的 public is encouraged to help address problems quickly by calling (408) 794-1900 to report clogged storm drains, flooding in the streets, fallen trees or branches, 或其他与风暴有关的危险.

Santa Clara County Office of Emergency 安全: Cold Weather 安全

  • Call the County of Santa Clara, Here 4 You Call Center hotline (408) 385-2400 寻求帮助. 
  • 首页First 首页less Helpline: 调用(408) 539-2105 or e-mail 首页 First Helpline to access the City of San José's Overnight Warming Location (OWL) program.
    • 首页First’s Outreach team provides access to emergency shelter, showers, laundry, meals, medical services, case management, employment training, 和 more.
  • Santa Clara County Parks 和 Trails closure in为mation 和 updates

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