

For immunization and vaccination services (including flu shots), please make an appointment 致电408-924-5678,向免疫诊所查询. 通常要求的免疫接种费用 可以在上面找到吗 费用 & 付款 网页.

这个季节一定要打流感疫苗. 我们县免费流感疫苗的信息 可在 圣克拉拉县流感(流感)网页



New students are required to provide proof of immunization prior to the first day of classes to avoid delays with housing applications, class registration, and/or participation 在项目. 


  • 乙型肝炎疫苗:完成全面免疫系列. 所有即将入学的学生 are 18 years of age or younger on the first day of their first term must submit proof 乙型肝炎免疫接种.

*Submission is not required of students enrolled in online degree programs*

Additional Requirements for 菠菜网lol正规平台 University 住房 and 国际学生

Note: 住房 students should submit their immunization record for all requirements: 乙肝(18岁或以下),MMR, MenACWY.

需要这些的学生 接种疫苗(pdf) or gather proof of immunization are strongly encouraged to do so now. 可接受的 免疫证明:

  • Can be obtained from the student’s immunization record, including the name and date(s) of immunization or date and results of blood testing indicating immunity;
  • May be provided by the student’s high school, private health care provider or local 卫生部门.


学生可以通过 学生健康中心病人门户 on 2024年7月15日.

immunizations chart with required and recommended immunizations for 菠菜网lol正规平台 students

犯罪现场组第803号行政命令, All students enrolled in health care fields of study or teacher education programs are required to provide documentation regarding the completion of immunizations and health screenings as established by the state licensing agencies or clinical placement 工地或野外工作工地. 学生应联系学术项目的具体情况 必要的免疫接种、健康检查(例如.g.、结核病筛查及体格检查) 以及任何其他的实地工作或临床实习要求.

正如 圣克拉拉县公共卫生局, students who have traveled or resided in a country that has elevated TB rate for at least a month should complete the tuberculosis screening form in their 学生健康中心病人门户, This includes any country other than the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 或西欧或北欧的一个国家.

The following vaccines are strongly recommended for students to reduce outbreaks:

  • 新冠病毒mRNA疫苗
  • 流感疫苗
  • 麻疹, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine (required for some students)
  • 脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗 (required for some students)
  • 脑膜炎球菌B疫苗
  • 破伤风、白喉和百日咳(Tdap)疫苗
  • 水痘/水痘疫苗


  • 甲型肝炎疫苗
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗- 19岁及以上
  • 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗
  • 肺炎球菌疫苗
  • 脊髓灰质炎疫苗



  • The following file types are accepted: PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP.
    File size should be under 4Mb, If the file size is too big, scan the document into parts (make sure each part has identifying information) and upload individual pages.
  • If files are password protected, make sure to save it as a separate pdf file without 提交前的密码保护.
  • 如果提交 proof such as a pharmacy receipt, the document must contain the patient’s name and date of birth, type, date and outcome of each vaccine/titer administered. It should also be clear that it is prepared by a licensed medical provider.
  • If you are positive you were vaccinated, or that you had the disease, you can also get a laboratory blood test that verifies you have immunity (e.g.通过你的医疗保健 提供者或当地县公共卫生部门). 这个测试被称为“滴度”。. Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider to have a titer d一个 if you are not 你当然打过疫苗了.


  • 要提交您的免疫记录,请登录 学生健康中心病人门户 提交免疫接种记录
  • 输入您的菠菜网lol正规平台 ID号和密码  
  • 登录前需要双重认证
  • 导航到"医疗 & "咨询许可"选项卡,输入 the date(s) and type of immunization received for each requirement listed on your 门户,然后继续上传你的免疫记录. 点击“更新”按钮 上传你的文档
  • To upload additional or updated documents, navigate to Medical & 咨询 Clearances>免疫接种 Records>Upload. To upload your test results or exemption request, select the "免疫接种 记录”选项卡. Allow up to 8 weeks for your immunization proof to be processed and 验证. If requirements are missing from your record, you will be notified via secure messages in your 学生健康中心 patient portal to take further action. 你 can also check the "Medical Clearances" tab for compliance status updates
  • Note that under “Items Not required for Clearance” in your Medical Clearance, submission of records for these items are optional and will remain as “awaiting review” in your 医疗记录,因为它们不会被处理或核实  
  • 有关所需免疫接种的进一步问题,请发送电子邮件 immunization@repossedcars.net.


  • 完成肺结核筛查问卷 学生健康中心病人门户
  • If you are at risk for TB infection, you will be prompted by the system  to submit “不需要清关的项目”项下的结核病测试
  • 根据需要提交肺结核检查结果以供核实. 你可以提交 TB skin test, T-SPOT TB Blood Test or Quantiferon Gold TB Blood Test. 如果提交 a chest x-ray report, report must be accompanied by TB test results



圣克拉拉 County Public Health 药店 Travel and 免疫接种 Clinic 加州圣何塞伦岑大道976号1100室 
